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Quit Smoking Medications
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Quit Smoking News
  Quit Smoking
Social Smoking
Why Do I Enjoy Smoking?
What Type Of Tobacco Is The Safest?
Quit Smoking Medications?
What Is In A Cigarette?
Yellow Teeth
Giving Up Smoking
Quit Smoking Help
Stop Smoking Programs
Quitting Smoking
Anti Smoking
Ways To Stop Smoking
Failure To Stop Smoking
Stopping Smoking
Cigarette Cessation
Why Quit
Smoking And Children
Why Relapse
Quitting Benefits
Self Improvement
Stopping Forever
Stop Smoking Medication
  Can I limit myself to Social Smoking?
  Smoking is an all or nothing addition. You are either a smoker or you are a non smoker. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you can have a cigarette here or there. Or maybe I’ll just smoke when I am at a bar or perhaps at parties. If you have ever been a smoker, your brain is always ready for nicotine. If you quit smoking, then start again as a social smoker, even in small amounts your brain receptors are reactivated. This means you are essentially starting over and ready from more nicotine and more cravings. When you stop smoking this means that the receptors go to sleep and over time the cravings will diminish. When you smoke those receptors essentially wake up and it’s very easy to return to being a chronic smoker and to feel comfortable with that. Your either a smoker or you are a none smoker